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Writer's pictureSri Ramesh Babu

Varmam Tradition for Infertility

Infertility is a grave thought that haunts people in the current generation. Can you imagine, in the older times, mostly 80% of the women would conceive easily without much problems and only a few would not, if we take in a family of say 5 to 6 children. The rate of childlessness was very meagre. Now in the current scenario, there are lots of IVF centers and procedures followed to handle this problem. The reason for this is the complete change in lifestyle, working life imbalance, the technology advancement.

In modern days, early puberty, early menopause are problems due to the hampered lifestyle such as sleeping at odd hours, no play and sitting for long hours hooked on to computers or television, stressful living and bad eating habits. The lifestyle has taken a wide detour from what it used to be earlier. Dress sense, dress code, food habits, sleeping habits, menstrual care everything has taken a vast deviation from the way it is actually supposed to be.

Gynecological disorders have been found as one of the major factors affecting the reproductive system. The grave one being the PCOS, which has impact from lifestyle changes amongst women. PCOS is a multisystem disorder majorly affecting the metabolism, hormonal balance, BMI, insulin resistance, infertility, anxiety disorders, and many more.

I always like to go back to tradition and observe what exactly is causing these disturbances and ultimately arrive at the conclusion that giving up our tradition most of the times has been the reason for several problems that we are facing in the modern times. This explains that the tradition had cultural practices that were impacting the way our body functions and following it kept us in good health.

Before modernization took a great leap, women would have a life full of activities from morning till night and during this period the amount of exercise given to the whole body was enormous and each inch of the body was completely exercised with various household work, work in the fields and taking care of younger and older people at home. This used to have varied types of effects on the complete system of the body. The metabolism used to be in excellent condition. Heeled footwear again leads to tilted pelvic bone which pushes the uterus from its location and also reduces the space for the child growth after fertilization of the egg.

Resting during the cycles by staying away from the kitchen and from people was a way of ensuring that lack of facilities such as toilets and sanitary methods should not create hindrance and also at the same time, this was the only time when the lady of the house would get to rest from morning till night without having to worry about doing things for everyone. The rest would ensure that there is no aggravation of the heat in the body since during the menstrual cycle, ladies are bound to have an excess heat due to which back pain, abdominal cramps, and other such pains occur. When it is treated with healthy food and rest, it gets healed and prepares the womb by making it fertile. The food given during these times and also the food given at the time of attaining puberty till childbirth strengthens the uterus, hips and bones.

Having castor oil once in 15 days in the early morning on empty stomach helps in keeping constipation at bay. This is to improve metabolism and also keep the heats in the stomach and lower abdomen without interfering with each other.

Barren means infertile. As per the traditional science, there is nothing called barren land. A female is the representation of land (earth) and it can never be barren (infertile). The environment might have made it dry or not suitable for rearing all kinds of plants, but specific plants definitely do grow just like in deserts or in marshy places, each place has a different kind of flora. Similarly, women have to be nurtured to bring out the beauty of child conception and birth.

There is evidence from a tribe called Himba, in Namibia in South Africa, where the date of childbirth is also fixed at the time the thought of the child is born in the mother’s mind. As per the panchabhootha or five primordial elements principle, child birth happens from the time the thought of having a child pops in the mind of the couple.

There are 5 elements involved in the making of the child. We call it as generative cycle.

1. First birth of the child happens when the mind, symbolizing the ether or space element initiates the thought of having the child.

2. Air element changes the breath to further the process.

3. Fire element activates and enhances the body temperature.

4. Water element is formed when the temperature is converted to sweat (sperm creation).

5. This water element falls in the earth element and creation is initiated in the physical form (fertilization).

The above is a very natural process and when it happens the way it has to, then infertility is something which cannot be observed anywhere unless in rare cases. Intimacy among couples, quality time spent with family have all become a complete possibility only based on the deliverables at work. More than life, now we see humans living to work and completing their financial goals than living for themselves.

Varmam for Infertility
Varmam locations are places in the body which interconnects the physical body, mental body or the mind and the soul. Varmam heal and defense system. The path of subtle energy (prana) moving across the body to perform routine functions is called Saram. The subtle energy (prana) is reserved at certain places in the body known as Varmam Adangal (energy in silent mode/ reservoir).

Varmam activation helps the body to become strong by bringing it into its natural being and helps in the body to become Kayakalpa (longevity of life).

The first important thing to follow would be to change the dress code. Clothes have to be worn on the navel and not below the navel. This helps in keeping intact the organs such as the bladder, uterus in place. The dress keeps pushing the organ downward and leads to distention of bladder and uterus, giving space for cysts formation. When this is done, the Sadayantha Varmam / Kachchai Kaalam is stimulated and strengthens the reproductive system.

Fertility has to be enhanced both in men and women and should not be looked at as a problem only with women. For both of them, tying a wet cloth once in a while, around the body, from the navel till the lower abdomen is an excellent way to reduce the heat in the lower abdomen because this heat sometimes kills or weakens the sperm.

Men and women can both use loin cloth (langot) whenever comfortable to increase the fertility, potency and sperm count. In females, it helps in subfertility, menstrual problems, dysmenorrhea, and in handling menopause related disturbances.

Several varmam points surrounding the genitals are stimulated when the dress code is changed. These are varmam that internally help in premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, increasing sperm count, strengthening the sperm. A few varmam points that get stimulated are:

Valamburi Kaalam


• Within 1 Irai on the lateral sides around the right side tip of the penis • In between the Vallurumi and Vellurumi varmam point


Vallurumi, Vellurumi Varmam


• On the sides of the nerve below the Idamburi and Valamburi varmam points. • Both sides of the penis / upper vagina


Ani Varmam


• 4 irai above the Narangutri varmam.


Moothira Kaalam


• 4 FB below the navel

Idamburi Kaalam


• 1 Irai downwards on the lateral sides of the left side tip of the penis


Naangutri / Narangutri Varmam


• Next to the Vallurumi and Vellurmi varmam points • 4 fb below the Ani varmam


Andhai Varmam


• ½ irai above Ani varmam • Situated on both sides of the lower abdomen.


Other Varmam locations that should be used include:

​Sadayantha Varmam / Kachai Kaalam


• Around the transverse abdominal in the form of a ring.


Unthi Adangal


• Located at the center of the navel

Nema Varmam


• On the center of the forehead


Thilartha Varmam


• On the small groove at the junction of the eyebrows above the nasal bridge.

• At the junction of the frontal nasal suture and internasal suture


Article by Sri Ramesh Babu - Courtesy HERITAGE AMRUTH July - August 2021

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