Healing wing of Varma Kalpa Rejuvenation Center
The first Specialized Varmam/Marma Pain Management Clinic for Neuro and Ortho disorders in Bangalore.
Sri Ramesh Babu
Founder VKRC, Agasthya Wellness Center
An idealistic, the primary focus of S. Ramesh Babu, has been
on expanding the practise of varmam as an ancient culture of health
science to reach the widest possible audience, from the time he began working in the field of varmam more than two decades ago. In the course of this tour, he has visited a number of southern territories in order to acquire this expertise. He also has been sharing this knowledge by educating a large number of medical professionals, therapists, healers and common man in India and across the globe.
He established the Varmam Academic and Research Center, Varma Kalpa Rejuvenation Center, in Bangalore, where he serves as the Founder Trustee in 2017. A Researcher in Varmam and Manuscripts,
Academician, Director of Agasthya Wellness Center, the first Varmam center in Bangalore, Joint Secretary of Traditional Siddha Varma Healers’ Association (TSIVAHA), Kanyakumari, Senior Research Associate at The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology, Bangalore, Member, Expert Committee of CCRAS for standardizing the protocol for Marma in Ayurveda.
He has been recognized with awards “Siddha Marma Vaidya Rethna” in 2016, “Varma Sookshuma Chudar” in 2022 from Trivandrum, Kerala and many more.
He conceptualised, designed, developed and implemented
several courses around varmam, the ancient culture of health science, catering to needs of various cadres of people including caregivers, special kids, people with bone, nerve and mind related disturbances and trained teachers to impart the knowledge. He has also designed memory development techniques for helping kids to enrich their capabilities.
He has authored several books on these topics which will hit the
shelves very soon.
For the first time ever, he conceived the idea of a Varmam Therapist Diploma, which has been recognised by The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology, Bangalore. In light of the fact that no formal educational degree has yet been developed for the role of a Varmam Therapist, the recognition provided by a university confers the most value on this diploma.